The International Journal of Developmental Biology

Int. J. Dev. Biol. 42: 257 - 262 (1998)

Vol 42, Issue 3

Special Issue: Developmental Genetics of Drosophila

Genetic requirement of epidermal and female germ line cells in Drosophila in the light of clonal analysis

Published: 30 November -0001

J Szabad

Department of Biology, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University, Somogyi, Hungary.


Whether the function of a gene is required in a given cell type is often determined through the analysis of clones homozygous for a mutant allele of the gene. The clones usually develop following X-ray induced mitotic recombination. The paper summarizes the conclusions of clonal analyses of different types of mutations in both the epidermis and the female germ line cells of Drosophila. Principles of the so called dominant female sterile technique -for the germ line and the follicle cells- and its use are summarized. Special attention is paid to the genetic requirement of the female germ line due to its fundamental function in the regulation of early embryogenesis.

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