The International Journal of Developmental Biology

Int. J. Dev. Biol. 36: 331 - 334 (1992)

Vol 36, Issue 2

Protein synthesis in the brain of newts undergoing limb regeneration

Published: 1 June 1992

P A Tsonis, C H Washabaugh and K del Rio-Tsonis

Department of Biology, University of Dayton, OH 45469-2320.


The nervous system plays an important role during the process of amphibian limb regeneration. However, the molecules that are involved in such a control of regeneration are largely unknown. We have attempted to map protein synthesis in the brains of intact newts and from newts undergoing limb or tail regeneration. Our results show unique protein synthesis in the brain of newts undergoing limb regeneration. Such an analysis can lead to the identification and characterization of these proteins.

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